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Sunday Fundays - Sunday strolls with all the family
Sunday is my favourite day of the week. For me, Sunday is the day to step back from the busyness of life, relax and spend time with family. At DT Boxes the work week runs Monday-Friday. Saturdays are usually spent tackling the jobs on the to-do list that have been put off during the week and catching up on what we've missed. But Sundays, these are my favourite days, it's our day to relax and unwind with all the family.
(Jack, Phil, George, Amy, Rachel and John)
We are so lucky to have a close nit big family group. We all live quite close together not far from Gosford Forest Park, which is great for meeting up for our Sunday stroll with all the family. And yes by all the family we mean the doggies too! The dogs love the freedom and adventures they have in Gosford and we love having them with us. There is so much fun to be had in the woodland and streams of Gosford Forest Park and the kids love watching the dogs exploring it all.
(Dobby and Jack)
The dogs particularly love chasing each other up and down the streams which causes much excitement for Amy and George, especially as the dogs shake off all the wet and muck upon re-emerging from the water. It's great to get out in nature with all the family, catching up on the latest chat, seeing their happy faces and the dogs happy wagging tails and hearing the laughter as we go. Its a great way to spend time with family and an enjoyable way to get some exercise in too.
(Jack, Dobby and Amy)
In the video above you can see some of us out on our Sunday stroll in Gosford. Amy or Amycorn as we like to call her has a great handle on Dobby and Jack. She enjoys bringing them to the forest on their adventures. Dobby, the golden cocker spaniel is full of energy whilst Jack, the black cocker is more laid back. George can be heard laughing along as he enjoys watching them whizz up and down and weave in and out as we walk through the forest. You even get a rare glimpse of our co-owner John who also loves the our Sunday strolls. No matter what the weather there is always fun to be had on the family stroll in Gosford with the dogs and kids in tow.
(Jack and Dobby)
When the walk is done, its all back to Rachel and Phil's car for tea and sandwiches as the chat and craic continues. Rachel always comes well prepared. It great to have the DT Box in the back of the car for Dobby and Jack. Jack always likes to try out Dobbys half before retreating to his own section but as you can see they are both content in their box with George and Amy cooing in at them. The box is great because it means all that muck and water from the streams and forest doesn't get all over the car when the dogs shake off. The box is also a safe place to keep the dogs whilst we enjoy our warm cup of tea in the busy car park before heading off on our way. This is just one of many similar Sundays spent like this for us and one of the main reasons that Sundays are my favourite day of the week.
(Jack, Dobby and George)
Days like this are what life for us is all about. Its all about enjoying quality time with all the family including our dogs. Its also why we love the work we do and why we love our boxes.